Start your integration with the v3 API now.
Getting started with the v3 API
Authenticating with the v3 API
Using the v3 API in test mode
Placing an order with the v3 API
Managing event subscriptions in the v3 API
Retrieving shipping documents with the v3 API
Retrieving tracking updates with the v3 API
Cancelling a v3 API shipping order
Making a quote request with the v3 API
Retrieving the list of transport offer codes for the v3 API
Retrieving the list of content categories with the v3 API
Retrieving the list of proximity points with the v3 API
Articles in that section
Retrieving shipping documents with the v3 API
Managing event subscriptions in the v3 API
To retrieve documents after creating a shipping order, you must subscribe to DOCUMENT_CREATED type events.